Condor Airlines Adds an Aircraft to Its International Operations in Holguin

AREQUIPA, Peru – Condor Airlines has incorporated into its regular operations at the Frank País García International Airport in Holguín, a next-generation A330-900 NEO aircraft.

According to a report from the Cuban News Agency, the addition aims to consolidate Germany as one of the main sources of tourists to the Holguín region.

The Airbus arrived at the Holguín airport with 281 passengers on board from Frankfurt, identified with Condor’s current corporate headquarters, which will now take over flights to Holguín.

Ramón Krauthausen, the captain of the aircraft, commented that this is his first trip to the region with this airline, although he has flown to Cuba several times in his 30-year career.

Meanwhile, Ricardo Rojas Mastrapa, director of Cubatur Travel Agency in the province, explained that operations with the German market have been increasing.

At this time, the executive explained, there are two regular weekly frequencies throughout the year to this airport, on Wednesdays and Sundays, and from now on it will be with a larger and more spacious aircraft.

Alexis González Arias, Chief of Ground Operations at the airport terminal, reported that out of the 65 weekly flights during the current winter tourist season, the European nation stands out as one of the countries that is most active and now, with the addition of the new aircraft, the number of possible passengers will increase, when compared to prior stats.

Condor Airlines has been flying to the Cuban archipelago uninterruptedly since 1990, when it inaugurated its first route Frankfurt-Camagüey-La Habana, and to Holguín for more than 10 years, where it strives to improve the quality of its services and maintain itself as a reference in aviation at this airport.

The National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI, by its Spanish acronym) revealed that, until December 2023, the number of travelers who visited Cuba reached 3,192,939.

According to the state agency Prensa Latina, the data reflects a considerable increase of 914,961 compared to the year 2022, “marking a milestone in the Cuban tourism industry.”

Despite the three million visitors, experts point out that the tourism sector is facing one of the deepest crises of the last two decades. Among the influencing factors, the government mentions competition in the Caribbean area, internal economic challenges, and restrictions imposed by the United States.

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